Interview with Antonio Carlos Batista do Nascimento ASKA Batista with Antidemon

nterview with Antonio Carlos Batista do Nascimento ASKA Batista with Antidemon
By Jimmy Sorrells
CMG: Where do you live?
Batista: I live in São Paulo – Brazil
CMG: What was your childhood like?
Batista: A childhood with few friends but a lot of fun in a huge backyard with my parents’ houses and my grandparents’ house on the same land! It was a place with lots of sand and dirt to play in. That’s why I think it was wonderful! I only had one brother who was five years younger than me, who also became my playmate and my friend. In addition to my parents, I had the very strong presence of my maternal grandparents who, as I said, lived in the same yard. Otherwise, it was a childhood with many financial limitations but surrounded by a lot of love and the truth of the Gospel of Christ!
CMG: Did you grow up in a religious home?
Batista: I was born into a Christian family and was very involved in missions for the sake of the gospel! My father was a pastor and from a very young age I also got involved in church activities and so I had a childhood and adolescence involved with the things of the Gospel and many activities in the local church. I was always very curious and questioning about the Holy Bible and I was often always taking some courses on theology. I have always had a great desire and interest in knowing the word of God!

CMG: Did you grow up in a musical home?
Batista: Not at first! When I was still a teenager, my brother and I were given a guitar and began learning how to play the instrument, but only my brother went on to become a musician! When I was 24, I started studying percussion and a few months later I was playing in the orchestra of the church I attended! Later, I began to receive revelations from God regarding a calling to evangelize through Heavy Metal! The problem was that at 25 years old, I knew nothing about Heavy Metal! I didn’t even know that this music existed! But God gave me visions and dreams, and sometimes, even when I was awake, I would hear distorted guitar riffs with guttural vocals and lyrics about the confrontation between good and evil, between heaven and hell. Then one day in 1992, I mistakenly entered a building in the city of São Paulo called “Galeria do Rock.” To this day, it has five floors with stores that sell Heavy Metal CDs, vinyl records and T-shirts. When I entered this place, I came across hundreds of Headbangers, Punks, Goths and Skinheads for the first time… I didn’t know any of this! In this gallery, I started hearing music coming out of the stores! A song similar to the ones I had in my visions and dreams! I was very impacted by this, because at that moment I discovered that this song already existed and many people liked it!
That same day and in that place, I heard a supernatural voice that spoke inside me: This song that has been coming to your mind, I am the one who is giving it to you and I will make you become one of these people and through this song that I have been giving you, you will reach them for my Kingdom! That was really impactful
When I understood this! Even though we were born into a Christian home and knew a little about the Holy Bible, I had never had an experience with God like that, and I believe that at that moment all my questions and doubts about God disappeared, and from that day on I truly converted to Jesus Christ! Understanding God’s calling for my life, I started the band Antidemon and the entire mission related to evangelism. It was then that I began to get involved with Heavy Metal, becoming the lead singer of Antidemon in January 1994, and in 1995 I also took on the bass guitar. Over the years, many people converted to Christ through Antidemon, and in 1988, with these fruits, our church was born with the proposal of reaching the underground through Heavy Metal! At the time, it was called Comunidade Zadoque, and in 2006 it was renamed Crash Church, where I have been the pastor of this flock since the beginning until today.

CMG: What instruments do you play?
Batista: Many years ago, I played percussion in a church orchestra. But out of necessity, in the second year of Antidemon’s existence, I switched to bass, replacing the bassist who left the band. At that time, even though I didn’t know how to play bass, I took on the instrument to fulfill the schedules! I, who had been only a vocalist until then, became Antidemon’s bassist to this day. Lately, I’ve been trying to play guitar as well.
CMG: What were your favorite bands as a child?
Batista: I didn’t know about heavy metal until I was 25 years old! In the church where I was raised, it was forbidden to listen to any music that wasn’t strictly Christian. And even if Christian heavy metal came to me, I couldn’t listen to it, because that style would be considered demonic.
CMG: What bands have you been involved in?
Only Antidemon.

CMG: When was your band formed and who is in the band?
Batista: Antidemon was born in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, on January 12, 1994. I am the only member left from that time, alongside Juliana Batista, who has been the band’s drummer since the beginning of 2006. We are both married and form the basis of Antidemon, which we have been in contact with for the last 10 years, with a team of several guitarists who have helped us. So we are grateful to God for being able to continue this Mission, always depending on His blessing and His complete will in our lives!
CMG: What is your favorite snack on the road during a tour?
Batista: Rice, beans and meat! But it’s often hard to find! However, on our recent tour of Japan I think I changed my preferences a bit! At least when I’m in Japan! On every road and street in Japan there are convenience stores with delicious and very fresh food! You really don’t go hungry on a tour in Japan!
CMG: Which band would you clear your schedule to tour with?
Batista: Mortification!
CMG: Do you have any plans to tour Australia or the US?
Batista: Yes! I really want to visit these two countries! This year we have played 39 countries with Antidemon, and we know that Australia and the US will be part of this list and this history soon! When we had a contract with Rowe Productions, our Australian Tour almost happened! And in the United States of America, we have followers of the band all over the country! So it will happen soon!

CMG: Have you suffered negative reactions because of the style of music you play?
Batista: In these 31 years of Antidemon, “negative reactions,” verbal aggression against us and even physical aggression are things that have always been part of our trajectory! We have suffered attacks from groups opposed to our faith and also attacks from so-called Christians from more conservative churches! We are used to always having a lot of people who oppose our work! We have suffered many physical attacks and at times we have been seriously hurt.
CMG: What do you think of the current state of Christian Metal?
Batista: We have to be very careful not to become a closed ghetto of Christians, where we have a life and a history separate from the non-Christian metal scene! I believe that we need to apply the words of Jesus to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth! The light will shine brighter and brighter when it is in the midst of dense darkness! Salt needs to mix and disappear in order to have its effect! Then everyone will feel its flavor! As Christian bands, we have to be light in the midst of darkness, and not just light in the midst of light! We need to be the salt of the earth! We need to get out of the salt shaker and mix, full of the anointing of Christians, with those who do not know the Gospel! This way, Christian bands will be able to have greater relevance in this world! There are many Christian bands that say they do not have a calling to spread the gospel and play Heavy Metal as a musical taste and entertainment. I respect them! However, to truly consolidate what is said about the Christian scene, I believe that we must position ourselves in relation to what we believe and live!
CMG: What is your favorite non-metal music to listen to?
Batista: Classical Music.
CMG: What is something about you that no one reading this would know?
Batista: Despite having long tours with Antidemon and a busy nightlife, perhaps no one would think that I am an extreme homebody and I really enjoy the tranquility of being at home with my wife Juliana, enjoying her company and enjoying the simple things in life, like preparing our own food every day, enjoying our daily coffee and going to bed early most nights!
CMG: Are you working on new music?
Batista: We recently recorded Antidemon’s fifth album! It is being distributed worldwide on CD and Vinyl by the American label “Vision Of God Records”! Its name is “Convergence” and it has 10 new songs! We are very happy that this release will happen in 2024. For those who want to know this and all of our other albums, just look for us on digital platforms like Spotify and Deezer.
CMG: What is your favorite thing about being a Christian?
Batista: Knowing that God wants us to be conformed to the image of his son Jesus Christ as described in Romans 8:9! We can look like Christ, think like Christ, react to this life as Christ reacted! So that he may be the firstborn among many brothers! This wonderful desire of God for those who accept salvation in Christ is my favorite thing as a Christian!
CMG: How can the Christian Metal Group community support you?
Batista: What we need most is prayer and spreading our missions around the world! We are a missionary of Heavy Metal and we are constantly praying and thinking about which country would be most needed for us to go to! So we count on your help in prayer and let us know if anyone has a space to play! We will certainly fill this space with God’s love! I am grateful for this wonderful opportunity to tell you a little about how we think and how we live!
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